Saturday, June 2, 2007

Extending the Life of Your Cell Phone Battery

While technology has grown it would seem as if cell phone batteries have not. It may not be so much that batteries are getting worse more so than cell phone applications have grown to enormous proportions. The way we use cell phones has grown tremendously through time through the additions of cameras, games, web browsing, and the list continues to grow. Following some of the tips below should help you manage your battery life better. It will take some sacrifices, but if you want a longer lasting phone it may be worth it to you.

1. Key Pads - Turn off the pad tones for dialing. Yes they do offer some reassurance that each key has been pushed, but in reality it is unnecessary . Living without this extra luxury can save you some extra battery life, and you really aren't going to suffer for it. Go to your cell phone's menu and turn them off.

2. Vibrating Ringer - While some public functions may require the stealth of vibration, you really shouldn't have vibration on along with ringtone. The cost to your power source is only going to drain you cell phone battery faster. Try just turning up the volume of the ringer one notch.

3. Bluetooth - When not in use, bluetooth can drain battery life substantially. Turn it off when not in use, otherwise it's a constant application tapping into your phone battery.

4. Display Panel - Lower the brightness of your display panel as well as the light time of the phone. I think this is self explanatory. Light takes energy, energy is your battery. You might not want to lower it too much though, your eyes may strain too much. Adjust it to a suitable level for easy reading, but don't make a flashlight of the thing. Same goes for the light timer, make sure it allows enough time to see what you need to see without losing your patience and having to push a button every second to keep reading a number.

5. Phone Games – The number one killer of cell phones would have to be games. Maybe you could wait till you got home to play on your play station or PC before indulging in battles and puzzles. While great time killers, they're battery killers.

6. Text Messaging - Texting is a great non intrusive way to communicate but if your fooling around chatting all day your wasting your battery. If texting during the day, make sure your lighting display is set super low to kind of balance out the battery usage.

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